All posts by Dr. D. Rick


New research identifies markers of diseases like Alzheimer’s much earlier than ever before. Protect yourself today.

When a recent Northwestern University study discovered the hallmark Alzheimer’s proteins in the brains of 20 year olds, many wondered: Is brain health a younger person’s concern? 

After all, these are the youngest human brains to date in which amyloids, the signature proteins, have been found. And while the majority of people impacted by dementia and Alzheimer’s are older than 65, experts will tell you that taking action now could help prevent damage down the line. 

You may have more control than you realize, says Gary Small, M.D., author of Two Weeks to a Younger Brain: “The brain is sensitive to stimulation from moment to moment—if we are engaging certain neural circuits, they strengthen—if we neglect others, we don’t give the brain the opportunity to strengthen,” Small says. “But whether that impacts one’s risk of Alzheimer’s, we just don’t know.”

What we do know: No matter your age, there is a significant correlation between a healthy diet, regular exercise, not smoking, and having fewer memory complaints. If you’re already living a healthy lifestyle, there’s more you can do to cut your risk and protect your brain, starting with the five habits below.


Rewire with meditation

Lower stress levels are intimately connected to an improved cognitive performance. But deep breaths aren’t the only way to get there. “We’ve got studies that show that meditation or tai chi or other kinds of stress-reducing exercises will rewire your brain’s neural circuitry,” says Small.


Meet in person

“With all of the new technology, we’re not communicating face-to-face as much,” says Small. “Even though there is social connection through social media, it’s not as powerful as meeting people in real time and space.” Specifically, there are clear advantages to face-to-face conversation in terms of empathy skills, he says, noting that empathy is linked to strong social communication skills in personal and professional life. Even more: Studies show traditional social connections lower risk of Alzheimer’s disease.


Avoid email benders

If you work a lot on the computer, don’t spend hours on hours answering emails, says Small. “Shake up your tasks. Cross-train your brain. You’ll activate different neural circuits.” There are a lot of upsides to technology — certain programs can improve multitasking and cognitive skills, he says. “Surgeons who play video games make fewer errors in surgery.”


Choose mood-boosting exercise

“There’s a lot of evidence that mental stimulation is linked to brain health — but that evidence is not as compelling as physical exercise,” says Small. But which fitness routine is most worthy? There are data showing that strength training and cardiovascular conditioning have benefits for brain health. I suggest both,” says Small.

When it comes to intensity, the jury is still out: One study found that just 90 minutes of brisk walking lowers Alzheimer’s risk; others find that 5 minutes of intense interval training helps. Small’s advice: Check your mood. “Anyone who exercises knows about the endorphin benefits and how exercise improves mood — that’s probably a good measure of whether you’re getting a brain benefit.”


Adjust your omegas ratio

Diet is ever important when it comes to brain health. But beyond controlling portions and eating enough fruits and vegetables, balance your fats. “Too many people eat too much omega-6 and not enough omega-3s,” says Small. Omega-6 is found in meats and vegetable oils, while omega-3s are found in fish, nuts, and flax seed.

For full article by Cassie Shortsleeve, visit:


We asked a fitness and nutrition coach to assess the situation.

As so-called “healthy” sweeteners flood the market, we’re left to wonder, which to choose? Is one really better than the other? 

“Honestly, whether you’re talking about coconut sugar or honey or table sugar, these sweeteners are all sugar delivery mechanisms with minor differences,” says Brian St. Pierre, R.D. a fitness and nutrition coach with Precision Nutrition. “Some are sucrose, some are fructose, so they affect the body slightly differently.” 

The basics: Sucrose is a disaccharide, whereas fructose is a category of sugar called a monosaccharide. “Sucrose gets broken down into glucose and fructose before going into the blood stream and raising your blood glucose levels. High levels of blood sugar can damage blood vessels and lead to cavities and gum disease,” says St. Pierre.

Fructose, on the other hand, doesn’t go into the bloodstream like glucose. “It has to go to the liver first to be processed into a useable form so it doesn’t raise blood glucose levels. But if you’re consuming excess calories and fructose that fructose can get converted to triglycerides, which makes it mildly worse than glucose in that regard. It is better at restoring liver glycogen, though, which is an important satiety signal for the brain,” he explains. Another plus: Fructose is less likely to cause cavities. 

Still, according to St. Pierre, one type of sugar isn’t necessarily better than another. “Too much sugar in the form of sucrose, glucose, or fructose can lead to all these problems. The health impact they have on you really depends on how much you eat of any of them,” he says.

Consider keeping sugars to 5-10% of your calorie intake a day. “It all depends on your size, your goals, and your activity level. If you want to be moderately fit—say 15% body fat for a man, 23 to 25% for a woman, then you can eat a little more sugar. If you want a six-pack, you’re going to need to eat less sugar,” advises St. Pierre. Eat the sugar you enjoy in moderation—and eat it slowly and until you’re satisfied. While one type doesn’t win hands down, St. Pierre has advised on this scale so you can see how your choices stack up.



Type: Natural substitute
Pros: Sugar-free and non-caloric, made from the leaves of the stevia plant. “If you’re comparing caloric and non-caloric sweeteners, stevia comes out on top. It doesn’t raise blood sugar and it’s natural and beneficial in reasonable amounts. It’s bio-active, so it could have some anti-inflammatory compounds and can also help you cut calories,” says St. Pierre.
Cons: There’s a minor aftertaste that can take getting used to and overusing it could cause you to develop more of a taste for sweets.



Type: An even blend of fructose and glucose
Pros: “Honey’s calling card is that it has anti-microbial and anti-bacterial properties, which is why it can also be used as a cough suppressant or sore throat soother. Manuka and other high-grade honeys often contain more beneficial properties—and overall honey is more of an actual food than sugar,” says St. Pierre.
Cons: It’s high in calories and carbs.


Coconut Sugar

Type: Mostly sucrose with some nutrients
Pros: This one gets positive marks. It’s made from the sap of coconut trees and is less processed because the sap is extracted and then placed in heat to dry, leaving it with a more natural brownish color like raw sugar. It can also contain trace amounts of minerals like magnesium, potassium, and inulin, a prebiotic fiber.
Cons: It’s still a high-calorie sweetener and causes advanced glycation end-products (AGEs), which gradually lead to a break down in your collagen.


Raw Cane Sugar

Type: Sucrose
Pros: Extracted from the sugarcane plant and not refined. Also called turbinado sugar, it may come in the form of cane juice, which is often used to sweeten non-dairy milks like almond, hemp, and cashew and in many healthier baking options. This raw form of sugar is somewhat less processed than table sugar. It still retains some of the molasses and moisture from the plant so technically you’re consuming less sugar and calories per serving, making it healthier, St. Pierre says.
Cons: That’s mostly irrelevant in the big picture. It’s not like you’re eating the actual plant.



Type: More fructose than glucose (it can be up to 90% fructose)
Pros: Fans like the syrupy flavor. It mixes well with tequila, making it a mainstay in artisanal margaritas. Cons: It’s touted as having a lower glycemic index but this can be misleading. That may be beneficial if someone has diabetes, but not so much if you don’t, warns St. Pierre.


Brown Sugar

Type: Sucrose
Pros: Some of the molasses leftover from the refining process is added back into the sugar after processing, which provides a darker color and a minor amount of trace nutrients.
Cons: Not enough nutrients remain to be of benefit.


Granulated White Sugar

Type: Sucrose
Pros: Made from either sugar cane or sugar beets, it offers the mildest flavor, melts and blends easily into beverages, warm or cold, and is ideal for baking.
Cons: Best known as table sugar and the most common, it is also the most chemically processed and refined of the bunch.


Sweeteners (Aspartame, Splenda)

Type: Artificial substitute
Pros: Sugar-free and non-caloric
Cons: These sweeteners are chemical compounds and not real food. Splenda is sucralose (a sugar molecule mixed with chlorine molecules in a patented process). Maltodextrin, which is a corn product and can be genetically modified, is then added as a bulking agent. “Aspartame is on the EPA’s list of potential carcinogens. In animal models it’s linked to leukemia in very high doses. I’m most leery of it and will only drink a diet soda on a rare occasion and I won’t feed it to my kids,” says St. Pierre.

For full article from Wendy Schmid please visit:


One key to success on the golf course can’t be found at the pro shop. It’s the physical condition of the golfer. Pain shouldn’t be par for the course. Stay in the game by protecting your back.

When you consider the spinal rotation that goes into a golf swing and the fact that the speed of the club can reach 160 km/hour, it’s easy to understand that golf puts significant stress on your body.

Follow these tips to improve your game and prevent the pain.

1. Warm up and warm down

Take a few minutes to stretch before and after your game. Start with a brisk walk — 10 to 15 minutes should do it. Then do some light stretching.

2. Stay hydrated

Drink plenty of fluids before, during and after your game. Remember that once you are thirsty, you are already starting to dehydrate.

3. Push, don’t carry, your golf bag

Pushing or pulling your bag and taking turns riding in a cart can help you prevent back injury. If you prefer to carry your clubs, use a double-strap bag that evenly distributes the weight. If your bag gets too heavy, put it down and take a break.

4. Choose the right shoes

Wearing a golf shoe with good support and the proper fit can help prevent knee, hip and lower back pain.

5. Take lessons

The right swing technique can do more than improve your game. It can also spare you unnecessary pain. Working with a professional is a great way to learn the basics.

To view full article, visit:

Can exercise really defeat depression? How to find out if it can work for you.

Some say exercise can defeat depression. Sure, it’s worth a try — in theory. But when you’re depressed, it can be hard to muster the motivation. Here are some gentle incentives and strategies for giving it a go.

Ever dealt with depression? Then you’ve probably been told to find a physical outlet for your feelings.

Maybe a well-meaning friend told you to “just get outside and go for a jog.”

Or a doctor “prescribed” fitness to counter your symptoms.

Perhaps you read the book about dancing as a depression cure, or well-trafficked Reddit threads about the mental benefits of everything from gentle gardening to brutal obstacle courses.

Just get out there, folks say. It’ll take your mind off your problems.

But if you’ve ever lived under the scratchy, smothering gray blanket of this illness, you know:

It’s not that easy.

Depression can make your body feel dull. Heavy. Wooden. Listless.

When you’re depressed, the mere idea of picking up one foot and dragging it in front of the other can seem laughable. (If you can dig up a chuckle, that is.)

I know, because I’ve been there.

One day, while in the throes of a good old-fashioned dark-rain-cloud depression, I woke up and felt stuck. I’d been glued to my flat emotional landscape like a little moth on flypaper.

I knew I needed to do something different.

Without thinking, I got down on the floor. Started doing push-ups. Grabbed a couple of dusty old dumbbells. Did a few lifts. A few rows. A few squats.

At first, it was just a gaspy, desperate rush to experience something — anything— other than what I’d been feeling.

But once I was done, I wanted more.

I needed an emotional outlet. Moving my body felt good. (And to be honest, I wanted to hit things.) So I decided to take a boxing class. Ordinarily I might have talked myself out of it. But at that point, I felt I had nothing to lose.

Lucky for me, it was love at first punch.

Looking back, I wonder about the role exercise played in healing my depression.

Was it powerful medicine? Or just a placebo? Could movement have kept my depression away in the first place?

And if exercise does help with depression… how the heck do you find the energy for it when, you know, you’re depressed.

precision nutrition defeat depression exercise Can exercise really defeat depression? How to find out if it can work for you.

Lifestyle and mental health go hand-in-hand

Much like nutrition’s role in mental health, decades of research show a link between exercise — resistance training, aerobics, yoga… everything — and better mood.

And the relationship is solid: A 2014 meta-analysis of 24 studies, including hundreds of thousands of patients, confirmed: The more we sit, the sadder we are.

For example, one classic study from Columbia University found that sedentary people are depressed twice as often as active people.

But does an inactive lifestyle cause depression, or vice versa?

A recent study looking at adults over the course of three decades concluded that the relationship is bidirectional. In other words, maybe sitting around makes you depressed, and maybe that reduces your urge to move. And round and round we go.

OK, so moving your body might help you avoid becoming depressed in the first place. But could it also stop depression in its tracks?


For some people, exercise is as good as antidepressant medications. Or even better. And it seems that in general, the more people exercise, the better they feel.

How exercise makes us happier

Physical activity could improve your state of mind by:

  • curbing stress chemicals: A 2014 study demonstrated that PGC-1alpha — an enzyme produced in muscles during exercise — has the ability to break down kynurenine, a substance that accumulates in the bloodstream after stress and has been linked to depression.
  • supporting neurotransmitters: Exercise may boost the production of serotonin — a neurotransmitter that helps regulate mood and some cognitive function, and that may be low in depressed people. Physical activity may also stimulate neurogenesis, the growth of new neurons. That could improve cognition, and, in turn, your mental health.
  • boosting endorphins: Exercise can give you a short-term burst of endorphins, chemicals in the brain that block pain and produce a natural “high.”
  • reducing inflammation: Many types of exercise can lower inflammation, a potential cause of depression.
  • decreasing stress: There’s a reason that some athletes refer to their time at the gym as “therapy.” Exercise can be a great antidote to stress, which research has linked to depression, perhaps owing to the body’s inflammatory stress response.
  • encouraging happier thoughts and feelings: In 2009, one study explored depressed women’s use of long-distance running as a coping mechanism. Exercise can distract us from negative thoughts and feelings, while making us feel joyful and purposeful. It can also provide a sense of identity, which depression often steals from us.

I can imagine a lot of reasons why boxing helped me feel better

Boxing gave me an outlet — a way to express pent-up emotions, and a break from being “in my head.”

When I felt helpless, boxing empowered me. When I felt alone, boxing gave me a coach and a community.

When I felt frustrated, angry, or simply like beating the crap out of a heavy bag, well… boxing is just what the depression doctor ordered.

I left each class high on endorphins and a sense of satisfied accomplishment.

What to do next

I know it’s not easy to do stuff when you’re depressed. Just getting out of bed is a victory some days.

But here are some things you can try, if you’re ready.

If you can do any of these, even just a little bit, congratulate yourself. Each one is an accomplishment.

#1: Take it step by step

You almost can’t start too small. If a 30 minute jog feels impossible, try a walk around the block. If that feels too far, shrink the distance even further to whatever feels manageable. Walk from the couch to the bathroom a few times.

I got a lot out of an illustration called “The Truth About Motivation” from the workbook Exercise for Mood and Anxiety Disorders.

precision nutrition truth about motivation Can exercise really defeat depression? How to find out if it can work for you.

#2: Try something that used to bring you joy

Depression can bleach the colors out of your rainbow and strip the fun from things you used to love.

Give it a go anyway. Do whatever you love (or used to love), whether it’s taking the dog for a walk or playing touch football with friends.

You might not feel the magic. That’s OK. Just try whatever you can manage.

Because the opposite — living completely without your favorite activities — sucks worse.

#3: Try something new

As Janis Joplin famously sang, “Freedom’s just another word for nothin’ left to lose.”

Depression can disintegrate you. But then, you don’t have any more rules to play by.

Sometimes, the benefit of feeling lost is that you can wander into new territory. I walked into a boxing gym when I felt so low I was willing to try anything.

If you can open yourself up to new experiences, you may find pleasure in things you never even considered before.

#4: Get support

Whether it’s therapists, doctors, family or friends, ask for help from the people around you. Tell them you want to try exercise.

They may be able to help you, inspire you, or even join you. If you can, seek out a community-focused gym or athletic group, an online support system, and/or a personal trainer. Assemble the “team” that works best for you.

#5: Get outside

Nature is powerful. Sunshine, fresh air, green space… even the friendly bacteria in soil may make you feel better.

Soak up as much nature as you can. If you live in the city, go to a park or spend time in a local garden. If leaving the house feels too daunting, start by opening a window and bringing some plants into your home. Try to work your way up to spending time outside.

#6: Mix it up

One you’re on a bit of a roll, consider mixing aerobic exercise (such as walking, cycling, running, or swimming), with anaerobic sets. While most studies on depression focus on aerobic activity, there’s a place for strength-based work, too — such as high intensity interval training (HIIT) — which can get those endorphins kicking.

#7: Be consistent

Whatever you can move, move it. The more you move, the better it works.

You might feel better right away after a single exercise session. Or it might take a little while. Either way, keep moving as often as you can, in any way you can.

Meanwhile, observe your symptoms. Consider logging your feelings in a journal, so you can look for benefits. If you’re not getting any better after a test period, consult your doctor.

#8: Be gentle and patient

Don’t beat yourself up if you skip a workout. This isn’t about achieving perfection or becoming a superstar athlete. It’s about doing something good for yourself.

On the flip side, don’t overdo it. Intense training can boost your endorphins, but it can also raise your cortisol, a stress hormone, tax the central nervous system, and cause inflammation — none of which will help depression.


How do you put this all together? Think about designing your own personal prescription.

Therapy, medication, nutrition, social support, and any other creative methods of your choosing may all work together to help you get better, over time. Pick what works best for you.

Everyone experiences depression differently. You might find that exercise doesn’t do much.

But it might just become the best depression-fighter you’ll ever find. 

Eat, move, and live… better.

The health and fitness world can sometimes be a confusing place. But it doesn’t have to be.

Let us help you make sense of it all with this free special report.

In it you’ll learn the best eating, exercise, and lifestyle strategies — unique and personal — for you.

For full article by Camille DePutter please visit:



We scoured the market. These are the spring sneakers to know.

Save maybe undergarments, there is no item more personal for which to shop than the running shoe. And while we know there will never be a one-size-fits-all solution, the sneaker spread below represents the season’s top performers for almost every preference. 


Nike Free 4.0 Flyknit

This smooth, lightweight shoe with a minimal, 6mm heel-to-forefoot drop allows you to maintain a more natural stride, while still offering just-enough cushioning. A stretchy Flyknit upper hugs your foot, hexagonal grooves on the outsole improve flexibility and a molded sock-liner provides good arch support.Women’s > I Men’s >


Skechers GOrun 4

Every time we see Olympian Meb Keflezighi crush a race (ala winning last year’s Boston Marathon), we have to wonder if the Skechers’ athlete is on to something… The breathable GOrun4 training shoe is a great way to test that theory. It encourages a midfoot strike via a short, 4mm drop, a barely-there weight of 5.2 ounces (women’s) and really responsive cushioning.
Women’s > I Men’s >


New Balance Fresh Foam Zante

With a more form-fitting last, a low-to-the-ground profile and a moderate, 6mm heel-to-forefoot drop, the sweet Fresh Foam Zante gives you a fast, neutral ride. Plus, its soft, no-sew upper and springy midsole keeps you feeling (ahem) fresh as you bound through those miles.
Women’s > I Men’s >


Brooks Transcend 2

For runners who tend to overpronate (foot turns inward as you strike), the Transcend 2 provides a little bit of stability to help keep your form in check. It features an 8mm drop, a breathable mesh upper, a cushy biodegradable foam midsole and a segmented outsole that helps absorb—and more evenly distribute— impact along your foot.
Women’s > I Men’s >


Hoka One One Challenger ATR

This fat, all-terrain sneaker gives you plush cushioning and plenty of stability out on the trails. Aggressive, 4mm lugs on its outsole keep you stable on uneven surfaces, a rocker technology in the midsole helps propel you forward, and a 5mm heel-to-forefoot drop allows you to maintain a more natural stride.
Women’s > I Men’s >


Adidas Ultra Boost

There are a reported 3,000 energy capsules in the Ultra Boost’s firm, yet cushy midsole, which gives you amazing bounce-back every time you strike. It also features a slipper-like, breathable, mesh knit upper, a solid 10mm heel-to-forefoot drop and a molded heel for extra support.
Women’s > I Men’s >


Asics 33-DFA

Designed for neutral runners who aren’t afraid to push the pace, the 33-DFA has a rounded last that allows all 33 joints of your foot to move more freely (hence, the name). With a seamless (chafe-free) upper, a minimal 4mm drop and deep flex grooves on its outsole, this lightweight (8.7 ounces for guys) sneaker is ready for the starting line.
Women’s > I Men’s >


Saucony Zealot ISO

These colorful kicks are a beautiful blend of comfort and support. A molded heel counter and structured mesh upper helps get your gait in line whenever you even start to overpronate, while a stacked midsole provides 20 percent more cushioning than normal. Plus, with only a 4mm drop, the Zealot is still perfect for runners with a neutral stride.
Women’s > I Men’s >

For full article by Lindsey Emery visit

Mood food: How to fight depression naturally with nutrition

Can you eat your way to a better state of mind? Making certain changes to your diet might help with depression.

Depression: Increasingly common, yet poorly understood. Felt intensely by the sufferer, yet often invisible to the outside world.

Least fair of all: Studied ad nauseum, and yet, for too many people, seemingly unconquerable.

I know that feeling.

I’ve struggled with depression a few times in my life, most recently a couple of years ago.

During my “down” periods, I tried everything

Waiting it out (I don’t recommend it). Therapy (valuable, but by no means a quick fix). Antidepressants (important to my recovery but not, as they’re sometimes portrayed in the media, a cure-all).

I have yet to find the magic bullet.

Complex, multifaceted, stubborn. When I boil it all down, here’s the takeaway: Depression really sucks. If you’ve ever gone through it on any level, you already know that.

But during my last bout, just when I thought I’d tried everything, I stumbled upon what might just be the best thing I’ve ever done to feel better.

I started boxing.

The intense physical workout was a great relief. Boxing requires your full attention. You can’t think about much else — least of all the nuances of your feelings — when you’re focused on not getting your lights knocked out.

I poured more and more of myself into it. Soon, I even started changing my diet to support the boxing — and my performance improved.

Then I thought, Why stop there? What if optimizing my nutrition could help me feel better mentally, not just physically?

So, I started exploring.

I’m not alone

And if you’ve struggled with depression, you’re not alone either.

Depression affects more than 120 million people worldwide, making it the leading cause of disability, according to the World Health Organization.

In North America, the problem is even more pronounced. Statistics vary a bit, but most data sources show that at least 6 percent of U.S. adults are depressed and one in 10 are on antidepressants.

But not everyone reveals their secret sadness. This means depression might affect even more people than we realize.

And depression isn’t just a mind game. It stamps itself all over our bodies.

One recent study captured high school seniors’ struggles with depression.

  • 23 percent couldn’t sleep.
  • 36 percent couldn’t remember things.
  • 30 percent felt overwhelmed.

Others felt lost, ate too much or too little, or felt like they were almost literally drowning — short of breath, gasping for air.

Even if they’re not calling themselves “depressed” or going to the doctor for treatment, their bodies bear witness.

Though the 1980s-era Generation Xers supposedly invented the downer and 1990s grungers perfected it, Millennials vastly outnumber them in depressive symptoms.

Not only is depression distressing, it’s frustratingly, mockingly ironic: It’s one of the most common diseases, but uncommonly — and notoriously — hard to treat.

About a third of people being treated for clinical depression are considered “nonresponders.” They try drug after drug, with no relief. Another third feel a little better, but still not great.

If you’re depressed, you already feel bad. On top of that, you feel like you’ll never get any better.

precision nutrition depression diet Mood Food: How to fight depression naturally with nutrition

Major depression is different from your everyday bummer

Everyone has bad days, maybe even a string of bad days.

Major depression is different. It’s like all color goes out of the rainbow. All oxygen goes out of the air.

Everything is just… harder.

Getting through a day is like pushing through thick tar. When you try to think or remember, it’s like your brain is full of old rusty gears that barely turn.

Your body is heavy. Achy — perhaps nonspecifically sore, painful in weird places.

You feel hopeless, guilty, worthless, and/or totally helpless. Any energy you have goes to feeling irritable, or maybe crying.

Nothing is interesting or fun, even the stuff you used to love.

Your appetite is out of whack. Perhaps you’re ravenously hungry. Or the opposite — chewing (or caring about potential starvation) seems too hard.

In extreme cases, you just think What’s the point? You might even think about ways to just stop doing anything at all.

Like I said, depression sucks.

As do the side effects of the many medications used to treat depression. For many people, the drugs don’t work. For some, they may even make them feel worse.

Is there another path?

Can nutrition make you feel happier?


Mental health disorders are complex. So is the brain. And so are the foods we eat, and the ways our bodies interact with those foods.

We’re still new to this game of figuring out exactly how the brain works, and exactly how nutrients may improve brain health.

Still, there are some promising possibilities. 

How eating right may boost mental health

Your brain is greedy. It needs a lot of energy to work properly and to create neurotransmitters — chemicals that send signals through the nervous system.

Without enough energy or the right nutrients, your brain won’t get what it needs. In fact, one study suggests that eating a lot of nutrient-sparse processed foods could up your chances of becoming depressed by as much as 60 percent.

Other research has shown that nutrient deficiencies often look like mental health problems.

Here are some pathways by which a healthy diet might protect your brain.

Nutrition can fight inflammation

Chronic inflammation happens when our body turns on an immune response, then doesn’t turn it off again. The resulting damage and chemical stew is linked to all manner of health problems, including cancer, heart disease, neurodegenerative disorders like Alzheimer’s… and depression.

One theory is that proinflammatory cytokines — markers of inflammation — may interact with other proteins in the brain, promoting changes that contribute to depressive illness. 

Nutrition can get your gut health back on track

Your GI tract does more than move food from one end to the other. It’s responsible for absorbing the nutrients your organs — including the brain — need to function properly, and for constraining harmful bacteria and other molecules so they can’t get access to (and harm) the rest of the body.

To do these important jobs, your gut relies on healthy intestinal cells and beneficial bacteria, which help manufacture vitamins, absorb minerals, and digest food.

If your gut microbiome is out of whack, or if the problem develops, via irritation or inflammation, into full-blown gut permeability (a.k.a. “leaky gut”), your brain could be in trouble.

Consider this: 60 liters of blood are pumped into your brain every hour, providing oxygen, removing waste products, and delivering nutrients. If that blood is nutrient-deficient, or carrying junk that doesn’t belong, it’s going to interfere with your brain’s function — specifically its ability to create necessary neurotransmitters (more about that in a moment.)

As if that weren’t enough, a permeable gut can encourage more inflammation in the body, turning all of this into an ongoing cycle.

Consider this

Most serotonin — the happy-making neurotransmitter — is made in the gut, not the brain. Poor GI health could prevent its production, meaning you’ve got less of those good, happy chemicals in your brain.

Nutrition feeds your mitochondria

You may remember from high-school biology that mitochondria are the “energy factories” of our cells.

Recent studies suggest that mitochondria play an important role in brain function and cognition — and that sub-optimal mitochondria, and mitochondrial diseases, may contribute to mental disorders, including depression.

We don’t have a complete picture of what mitochondria need to stay healthy. But we know they need lots of nutrients.

Nutrition may promote neuroplasticity

The brain uses nutrients to produce brain-derived neurotrophic factor, or BDNF, a protein that’s essential to the central nervous system.

Some research suggests that BDNF could support neuroplasticity — the brain’s ability to adapt, rewire itself and grow. This would be especially beneficial in recovery from trauma and mental illness. 

What might feed our brain?

Our brain is part of our bodies, of course.

So anything that makes our bodies healthier — fresh air, sunshine, clean water, exercise, de-stressing, vitamins and minerals, improved circulation, etc. — will make our brains healthier.

Some nutrients in particular seem to be linked to brain health.

  • Omega 3 fatty acids (fish, nuts, seeds, algae oil): Omega-3 fatty acids provide building blocks for healthy brain development and function, and thus have been explored for their potential role in preventing everything from ADHD to Alzheimer’s. In terms of depression, studies are mixed: Some suggest that supplementing with these healthy fats (via fish oil) may help ease symptoms, but we’re just not sure. 
  • B vitamins (meat, eggs, seafood, green leafy vegetables, legumes and whole grains): Studies have shown that a deficiency in B vitamins (particularly B12) can be linked to depression, though we don’t know exactly why. In a 2014 study from the British Journal of Psychiatry, supplementing with B12, B6 and folic acid improved subjects’ response to antidepressant medication. But a year later, a study published in the same journal found no improvement in older women who were given the supplements.
  • Vitamin D (sun exposure; fortified breakfast cereals, breads, juices, milk): Vitamin D is required for brain development and function. Deficiency in this “sunshine vitamin” is sometimes associated with depression and other mood disorders, though a recent research review showed mixed results.
  • Selenium (cod, Brazil nuts, walnuts, poultry): Selenium is an essential mineral, meaning we have to get it from food. Among its various roles, selenium works with other nutrients to create antioxidant balance in our body’s cells. Many studies have shown a link between low selenium and depression, but the mechanism is unclear. One hypothesis is that selenium’s function as an antioxidant could be necessary for preventing or managing depression.
  • Tryptophan (protein sources including turkey, beef, eggs, some dairy products, dark, leafy greens): One of the 22 essential amino acids, tryptophan is a precursor to serotonin. It’s not well understood, but low tryptophan seems to trigger depressive symptoms in some people who have taken antidepressants.

It’s not as simple as just supplementing these. Nutrients work together in context. And we don’t know if low levels of nutrients are a cause or consequence of poor brain health.

So you can’t “biohack” your way to happiness with a few pills or “superfoods.”

If you want to focus on particular nutrients and/or explore possible deficiencies, it’s best to do so with a trusted health professional like a registered dietician, nutritionist or doctor trained in functional medicine.

What to do next 

Depression is overwhelming. Don’t try to fix everything at once. 

But if you’re ready, consider a small, manageable lifestyle-oriented step or two. 

First, make sure you’re eating, at least a little bit. Depression can do a number on your appetite. But no food means no nutrients. No nutrients means sad brain. 

Next, consider one of the following basic steps.

#1: Notice and name

Before you even start making any changes, get more aware of what you’re already doing and feeling. 

Try keeping a simple journal — for instance, how you’re feeling today on a 1-10 scale, what you ate, and any symptoms that you notice. 

This will provide a starting point for observing what foods (and other lifestyle factors) might ease or exacerbate your depression (bonus: writing, in general, has been shown to help).

#2: Eat whole foods

Make this as easy as possible. 

  • Find fresh foods that don’t take much prep (such as fresh fruits, pre-cut vegetables, or pre-bagged salads).
  • Get them delivered, either as a grocery delivery or a healthy meal delivery service.
  • If you have a friend-and-family support network, see if someone is willing to help you with the shopping and cooking.

For more tips to help you prioritize whole foods, check out our healthy eating success strategies.

#3: Avoid or limit the depression-promoting stuff

What does your food and feelings journal tell you? Do you notice any connections?

Here are some common ones: 

  • Alcohol is a nervous system depressant. So, not helpful.
  • Caffeine: It brings you up then knocks you down. It may also worsen anxiety and insomnia.
  • Sugar: It may numb the pain or distract you from it for a while, but then it makes you feel worse emotionally and physically — especially since it can worsen inflammation.
  • Processed foods: Some folks notice that they’re sensitive to things like preservatives in processed foods.

Some people report that gluten worsens symptoms. Use your journal and see what you notice. Try avoiding gluten-containing foods for a week or so, and observe. 

#4 Nurture your gut health

Keep your gut bacteria and intestinal cells happy. For example:

  • Eat yogurt and fermented foods such as sauerkraut, kimchi, and pickles, or drink kombucha. These must be in their raw, unpasteurized form to offer live bacteria. You’ll find them in the refrigerator section of a well-stocked grocery or health food store.
  • Take a probiotic supplement.
  • Sip bone broth, a long-simmering stock made with chicken or beef bones. Simply put the bones in a pot, cover with water, and simmer for a loooong time (24 hours is good). The resulting stock contains glycine, which is thought to help with internal wound healing, including in your gut.
  • Choose meat and dairy that’s antibiotic and hormone free (if possible), and comes from a trusted butcher or farm. Buy organic if you can.
  • Be selective when taking antibiotics, which can kill gut bacteria. If you have to take them, build your belly bacteria back up through fermented foods and probiotics.
  • Limit refined sugars and grains, which can make gut problems worse.

#5: Supplement with caution

If there’s one thing experts tend to agree on, it’s “real food first.”

We don’t know exactly how specific nutrients work in the context of individual foods, or how they work within the body — let alone how they work in pill form.

If you’re trying to use supplements to address depression, it’s best to work with a doctor and nutrition coach, who can help determine which ones might be right for you.

Supplements such as fish oil, probiotics, B-complex, and/or a good multivitamin could be helpful for depression, but do your homework: Choose a brand with studies supporting its effectiveness for mental health.

Not all supplements are created equal. A low-quality vitamin might contain too low a dose or be hard to absorb.

Remember the big picture

That’s hard when you’re depressed. Because your world shrinks to a tiny little black hole.

As much as possible, though, try to focus on the big picture.

  • Get outside and get sunlight. There’s a reason depression is associated with darkness.
  • Ask for help. Start to find your tribe of helpers. That may include a doctor, a therapist, close supportive friends and family members, a fitness trainer, even a pet.
  • Move. Depression is immobilizing. Do your best to act against that force by moving whatever you can move, however you can move it.
  • Express yourself. Draw, write, talk about what you’re feeling, howl at the moon. Or, like me, smash a punching bag. Whatever gets the bad stuff out. Don’t keep it all in there.

Depression is difficult. I know, I’ve been there.

But building your personal toolbox of helpful actions can be incredibly empowering. There’s no rush. Just start adding in good things to help your body and mind.

Those positive steps truly add up over time.

Bit by bit, things can get a whole lot better.

Eat, move, and live… better.

The health and fitness world can sometimes be a confusing place. But it doesn’t have to be.

Let us help you make sense of it all with this free special report.

In it you’ll learn the best eating, exercise, and lifestyle strategies — unique and personal — for you.


For full article by Camille DePutter please visit


To fast-track your results, switch up the ground beneath your feet.

Here, how the ground beneath you impacts your fitness routine — and how to best spend your time on each.


Cross-train in water

Traditionally, aquatic exercise has been thought of as a rehabilitation tool, however, more and more you are seeing water-based training as a cross training tool that can add variety without the impact and pounding of land based training,” says Michael J. Ryan, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Exercise Science at Fairmont State University.

Water is 800 times thicker than air, he says. “That thickness provides continuous three-dimensional resistance, requiring additional muscle activation.” Additionally, the buoyancy of water reduces your body weight — reducing, too, the likelihood of injuries.


Build strength and stability on sand

Sand can give you a great workout while lessening the blow of impact. “Running on soft sand strengthens the arches in your foot, increases ankle stability, and strengthens the muscles of the lower leg and hip stabilizers,” Ryan says. That’s because the ever-changing, uneven surface forces the neuromuscular system to constantly adjust — which means greater activation of muscles, increased force production, and a more significant arm drive, he explains.

Just remember: Sand can put stress on the calf and foot muscles, so start slow with a few sprints or short runs, Ryan suggests.


Gain speed on pavement

This hard, flat surface means a solid and predicable platform to push off of. “This allows you to run faster because less energy is absorbed by the surface,” says Ryan. “The predictability also makes it easier to keep a fast, steady pace.” And it’s not as much pounding as you may think: “Running on pavement puts less stress on the Achilles tendon when compared to softer surfaces.”

Just avoid high impact movements such as plyometrics, says Ryan. “Because less energy in absorbed by the pavement, those forces are transferred back to your body increasing the stress put on bones, muscle, and joints.”


Do plyometrics on grass

Beyond the physiological benefits — a change in scenery or the lack of pressure to PR — soft grass absorbs much of the impact forces of your exercise, says Ryan. Thus, it’s easier on your body when it comes to plyometrics. Grassy surfaces are also less stable, which fires up stabilizer muscles in the foot, lower legs, and core, he says.

As for your run? “After training on grass, many runners say they feel stronger when they return to the roads,” Ryan says. How come? “There is a greater cardiovascular cost running on grass compared to running the exact same speed on pavement,” he says. “If you can maintain the same pace, you will get a better workout. Most people slow down a bit on grass.”


Recover on trails

Trail running can be tough: Some trails are technical, peppered with rocks, logs, or tree roots — and many force you to slow down and pay attention to where you step, says Ryan. But this is exactly why a weekly trail run can benefit you. “Trail running often forces you to take shorter strides, which may lead to more efficient running mechanics when you return even surfaces,” says Ryan.

“Well-maintained dirt trails, cinder paths, and wood chip trails are some of the best places to run. They usually provide an even surface that is soft enough to reduce impact forces while still allowing you to maintain a fairly fast pace.”


For fukll article by Cassie Shortsleeve, visit


Fear not if you like a daily turkey sandwich. Variety may not be as important as you think.

“The surprising answer is yes. I tend to eat the same meals 75-95% of the time. Regular food habits can be healthy. First and foremost because it’s hard to buy, stock and prepare lots of different types of food each day,” says Brian St. Pierre, R.D. a fitness and nutrition coach with Precision Nutrition. “There’s benefit to having healthy go-tos that you like and can get into the habit of eating.”

One such benefit: It minimizes the number of food decisions you make in a day. “We tend to overthink food nutrition already. I work with lots of clients and find that if you can automate some of those decisions and have a bit of a routine, you’re more apt to make healthy, diet-positive choices,” says St. Pierre.

That said, it’s plausible that, for some people, eating the same stuff day in and day out could cause problems such as indigestion, bloating, headaches or fogginess. But that’s likely a small part of the population, says St. Pierre.

The key to avoiding nutritional deficiencies is not to eat chicken, rice, and broccoli three times a day or the same protein shake three times a day, warns St. Pierre. “But if you look good, feel good, and perform well, it’s not a huge concern if you like a daily turkey sandwich.” Here, St. Pierre’s tips for a minimally-rotating routine.

1) Establish go-to breakfasts and lunches
For clients I generally recommend 2 to 3 recipes to rotate for their breakfasts, lunches and snacks. Then they can vary their dinners because people tend to like more diversity in the evening.”

2) Vary your accompaniments and snacks
If you like eggs in the morning, just change up the veggies you put in your omelette, having mushrooms and peppers one day, tomatoes and spinach another, and so on. Nutritionally, little things make a difference. For weekly snacks, just swap the type of fruit you eat or the type of nuts or nut butter. But know that you’re also going to be fine if you eat an apple every day. “I have a Gala with every lunch. It’s part of my routine,” says St. Pierre.

3) Be creative with condiments
For that daily sandwich, go ahead and stick with turkey or chicken but cut the monotony by changing up your healthy fat sources, alternating between olive oil, pesto, or avocado.

For full article by Wendy Schmid please visit


To diffuse them, you must deconstruct them. Read Tier 4 coach Bethany Snodgrass’s surprising insight.

A craving can crop up seemingly out of nowhere. An overwhelming urge for ice cream, potato chips or Shepherd’s pie. You may have assumed that there’s nothing more to it than wanting something sweet, salty, or cozy, but there are often physical and psychological reasons as to why you crave what you crave.

“Cravings are signals our bodies send us but there’s often a message behind them. By looking at the message, you can create awareness around what may be missing—in your diet or even in your life,” says Tier 4 Coach and nutrition pro Bethany Snodgrass. “For instance, emotional eating often results from a lack of nourishment in other areas of our lives—in our work, relationships, spirituality, or physical movement. It can lead to reaching for food in order to fill a void.”

While your abs can probably withstand occasional indulgences, too-frequent food urges will impact your progress in the gym. Snodgrass’s recommend: Deconstruct the craving and you may be able to diffuse it. Ask what does my body want and why?

To do that it first helps to gain some insight into how your body may be speaking to you and whether you could be suffering from a dietary deficiency or merely a case of nostalgia. Here, in her own words, Snodgrass breaks it down into a cravings cheat-sheet.

(1) Chocolate
The Origin:
 If you’re regularly craving a specific sweet like chocolate, you may have a magnesium deficiency since chocolate is high in that mineral.
The Solution: Try adding magnesium-rich leafy greens, nuts, and avocado to your diet. Cravings for sweets are often tied to wanting love and the result of an overall environment that isn’t nourishing; you can also to quench the feeling by doing something other than eating like spending time with a friend.

(2) Salty foods
The Origin: 
Salt cravings are a tip-off that you’re low in overall mineral levels.
The Solution: Try snacking on seaweed chips or consider a multi-mineral supplement. Salty, crunchy foods also create heat in the body so if you work in a cold environment and regularly have these cravings, you may simply need to bundle up more or sip on hot lemon water or tea.

(3) Caffeine
The Origin: 
If you eat a highly processed diet, you’ll tend to crave more caffeinated beverages. Junk food can also leave you constantly hungry because there’s no nutritional value in what you’re eating. Your body is craving caffeine to provide it with the energy it needs.
The Solution: Add colorful whole foods into your diet instead for healthy energy.

(4) Childhood foods
The Origin: 
It could be your mom’s meatloaf. For me, it’s my grandmother’s pierogies. She played Jamaican music as she made them and hearing it can trigger a craving in me.
The Solution: So ask yourself, is it the food or the feeling I had with family that I’m craving? If it’s the latter, calling them may quench it.

(5) Late-in-the-day munchies
The Origin: 
A common craving influenced by a hormonal imbalance is when your cortisol levels are elevated. You’ll crave foods late in the day or evening because you’re intuitively trying to relieve stress.
The Solution: See if a stress-relieving activity like a yoga class or an Epsom salt bath diffuses it. 

(6) Carb-laden foods
The Origin: 
This can mean that your gut flora is imbalanced. The majority of your serotonin is produced in your gut so you may instinctively be reaching for carbs that aid in the production of it. The problem is that this negatively impacts your flora further, setting you up for a vicious cycle.
The Solution: Eating Greek yogurt, kefir, kimchi or supplementing with a probiotic can help.


Please refer to full article by Wendy Schmid at


The cardio staple can double as a total-body strengthener. Check out this 7-move routine.

The result of these observations? An unconventional routine made up of kinetic-based exercises that work your whole body (arms, core, hips, glutes and legs), build power and really test your stability.

Perform this workout below as a circuit, completing one move right after the next without rest. Do 3 sets total, with a 500-meter rowing sprint between each.

[*Warning: This workout is challenging, and for your first attempt, you should consult a trainer to help you execute the moves safely, using proper form.]

1. Reverse Crunch with Push-Up
Start in push-up position facing away from the rower, with hands under shoulders, balls of feet on top of the saddle, legs extended, core engaged. Pull knees in toward your chest, sliding saddle forward. Extend legs behind you, pushing saddle back until body is parallel to floor, and perform a push-up, lowering chest to floor and pressing back up. Bring knees back into chest; repeat. Do 12 to 15 reps.
Make it easier: Skip the push-up (slowly slide knees in and out).
Make it harder: Lift one leg off seat, alternating sides with each push-up.

2. Ab Roll
Stand facing the rower with feet about shoulder-width apart. Push the saddle forward as far as possible, and then place your hands on either side, with arms extended in front of you, forming a diagonal line with your body, from shoulders to ankles. Push hips toward ceiling as you slowly pull saddle back toward you, keeping arms straight and abs engaged. When you reach the end, pause for a second, and then reverse motion back to start. Do 12 to 15 reps.
Make it easier: Hold plank on saddle, and try to bring it up and down an inch.
Make it harder: Lift one leg before you roll forward, alternating sides with each rep.

3.Single-Leg Hamstring Curl
Lie face-up on floor, facing the rower, with arms extended out to sides at shoulder level, right knee bent, heel on top of saddle and left leg lifted toward ceiling, directly over hip. Lift hips toward ceiling, forming a diagonal line from right knee to shoulder. Slowly press right foot forward, extending leg, and then reverse motion back to start, pulling foot toward you. Do 12 to 15 reps; switch sides and repeat.
Make it easier: Place both heels on saddle and perform a double leg curl.
Make it harder: Lift arms toward ceiling, keeping shoulders down.

4. Single-Arm Extension/Push-Up
Start in push-up position, facing the rower, with legs extended behind you, palms under shoulders, left hand on top of saddle, abs engaged. Bend right elbow as you slowly press left hand forward, until arm is extended, and perform a push-up. Reverse motion back to start. Do 12 to 15 reps; switch sides and repeat.
Make it easier: Keep arm extended entire time and perform single arm push-ups.
Make it harder: Lift opposite leg (from extending arm).

5 Pistol Squat
Stand facing the rower, with left knee bent, left heel on top of saddle, elbows bent by sides. Squat, bending right knee, pushing hips behind you and keeping chest open, as you press left foot forward, extending left leg in front of you, sinking deeper into the squat, bringing elbows in front of chest. Reverse motion back to start. Do 12 to 15 reps; switch sides and repeat.
Make it easier: Stand beside rower (rather than behind it) and keep leg extended as you squat down and up.
Make it harder: Lift hands overhead.

6. Lat Straight-Arm Plank
Stand facing the rower, about two feet away, with feet more than shoulder-width apart. Hinge forward from hips, keeping back flat, and place forearms on the saddle (body forms an inverted V) with hands clasped together. Use your core to drive elbows and saddle forward, until arms are extended overhead and body is parallel to floor. Keeping abs engaged, use your lats to roll back to start. Do 12 to 15 reps.
Make it easier: Hold modified plank for up to 1 minute.
Make it harder: Lift one leg as you roll out, alternating sides with each rep.

7. Reverse Lunge with Rotation
Stand to left side of rower with right knee bent, ball of right foot on top of saddle and hands in front of chest, elbows bent out to sides. Slide right leg behind you, as you bend left knee (keeping it behind toes) and rotate torso to left. Reverse motion back to start. Do 12 to 15 reps; switch sides and repeat.
Make it easier: Do a lunge without the rotation.
Make it harder: Lift hands overhead.

8. Burpee Side Jump
Stand beside the rower, with feet hip-width apart, arms extended by sides. Bend over and place palms on floor, directly under shoulders. Jump feet back into plank position, and then immediately jump them back toward hands. Stand up and hop over rower, to the other side. Repeat burpee. Do 12 to 15 reps.
Make it easier: Skip the burpee, and perform a squat, followed by a lateral jump.
Make it harder: Add a push-up into your burpee.

Article written by Lindsey Emery.  For full article visit: