The cardio staple can double as a total-body strengthener. Check out this 7-move routine.

The result of these observations? An unconventional routine made up of kinetic-based exercises that work your whole body (arms, core, hips, glutes and legs), build power and really test your stability.

Perform this workout below as a circuit, completing one move right after the next without rest. Do 3 sets total, with a 500-meter rowing sprint between each.

[*Warning: This workout is challenging, and for your first attempt, you should consult a trainer to help you execute the moves safely, using proper form.]

1. Reverse Crunch with Push-Up
Start in push-up position facing away from the rower, with hands under shoulders, balls of feet on top of the saddle, legs extended, core engaged. Pull knees in toward your chest, sliding saddle forward. Extend legs behind you, pushing saddle back until body is parallel to floor, and perform a push-up, lowering chest to floor and pressing back up. Bring knees back into chest; repeat. Do 12 to 15 reps.
Make it easier: Skip the push-up (slowly slide knees in and out).
Make it harder: Lift one leg off seat, alternating sides with each push-up.

2. Ab Roll
Stand facing the rower with feet about shoulder-width apart. Push the saddle forward as far as possible, and then place your hands on either side, with arms extended in front of you, forming a diagonal line with your body, from shoulders to ankles. Push hips toward ceiling as you slowly pull saddle back toward you, keeping arms straight and abs engaged. When you reach the end, pause for a second, and then reverse motion back to start. Do 12 to 15 reps.
Make it easier: Hold plank on saddle, and try to bring it up and down an inch.
Make it harder: Lift one leg before you roll forward, alternating sides with each rep.

3.Single-Leg Hamstring Curl
Lie face-up on floor, facing the rower, with arms extended out to sides at shoulder level, right knee bent, heel on top of saddle and left leg lifted toward ceiling, directly over hip. Lift hips toward ceiling, forming a diagonal line from right knee to shoulder. Slowly press right foot forward, extending leg, and then reverse motion back to start, pulling foot toward you. Do 12 to 15 reps; switch sides and repeat.
Make it easier: Place both heels on saddle and perform a double leg curl.
Make it harder: Lift arms toward ceiling, keeping shoulders down.

4. Single-Arm Extension/Push-Up
Start in push-up position, facing the rower, with legs extended behind you, palms under shoulders, left hand on top of saddle, abs engaged. Bend right elbow as you slowly press left hand forward, until arm is extended, and perform a push-up. Reverse motion back to start. Do 12 to 15 reps; switch sides and repeat.
Make it easier: Keep arm extended entire time and perform single arm push-ups.
Make it harder: Lift opposite leg (from extending arm).

5 Pistol Squat
Stand facing the rower, with left knee bent, left heel on top of saddle, elbows bent by sides. Squat, bending right knee, pushing hips behind you and keeping chest open, as you press left foot forward, extending left leg in front of you, sinking deeper into the squat, bringing elbows in front of chest. Reverse motion back to start. Do 12 to 15 reps; switch sides and repeat.
Make it easier: Stand beside rower (rather than behind it) and keep leg extended as you squat down and up.
Make it harder: Lift hands overhead.

6. Lat Straight-Arm Plank
Stand facing the rower, about two feet away, with feet more than shoulder-width apart. Hinge forward from hips, keeping back flat, and place forearms on the saddle (body forms an inverted V) with hands clasped together. Use your core to drive elbows and saddle forward, until arms are extended overhead and body is parallel to floor. Keeping abs engaged, use your lats to roll back to start. Do 12 to 15 reps.
Make it easier: Hold modified plank for up to 1 minute.
Make it harder: Lift one leg as you roll out, alternating sides with each rep.

7. Reverse Lunge with Rotation
Stand to left side of rower with right knee bent, ball of right foot on top of saddle and hands in front of chest, elbows bent out to sides. Slide right leg behind you, as you bend left knee (keeping it behind toes) and rotate torso to left. Reverse motion back to start. Do 12 to 15 reps; switch sides and repeat.
Make it easier: Do a lunge without the rotation.
Make it harder: Lift hands overhead.

8. Burpee Side Jump
Stand beside the rower, with feet hip-width apart, arms extended by sides. Bend over and place palms on floor, directly under shoulders. Jump feet back into plank position, and then immediately jump them back toward hands. Stand up and hop over rower, to the other side. Repeat burpee. Do 12 to 15 reps.
Make it easier: Skip the burpee, and perform a squat, followed by a lateral jump.
Make it harder: Add a push-up into your burpee.

Article written by Lindsey Emery.  For full article visit:


A new technology is reigniting the age-old controversy.

Whether you can or cannot choose where you lose fat in your body is one of the most polarizing topics in the fitness field. Anecdotal evidence has surfaced over the years suggesting that various forms of programming, supplementation and technology may in fact be able to target specific areas in the body where fat is stored. But science holds firm that the answer is a resounding no—a safe bet as there is no peer-reviewed clinical research suggesting otherwise.

“Body fat is lost in the same way that you put it on—slowly and all over,” says Dr. Justin Mager, an exercise physiologist in Mill Valley, CA, and founder of Health Incite, a holistic wellness clinic. “You can spot-reduce, but it has nothing to do with exercise and diet. It’s called liposuction.”

Besides surgical liposuction, there’s a newer, non-invasive “laser lipolysis,” which uses a laser to effectively ‘melt’ unwanted fat, which is then metabolized by the body. But neither addresses the underlying diet and exercise lifestyle issues that led to the fat build-up in the first place. Enter: red light lipolysis.

According to Rolando Garcia III, manager of the Columbus Circle location of E at Equinox, the combination of a structured workout plan and red light lipolysis treatments via a device called Pure Light seems promising for problem areas. Used in physical therapy environments for years to break up scar tissue, red light lipolysis aims an external infrared light generated by an LED (light-emitting diode) system at unwanted fat stores. “This breaks the bonds between fats, which allows you to utilize fat as fuel when you exercise,” he says.

Intrigued, Garcia tested the system himself for 8 weeks, targeting belly fat. “I focused little on my diet and reduced my training to 3 times a week, and I lost an inch off my waist after 10 sessions. Screenings showed that all my other measurements—arms, chest, shoulders—were the same. But because of my stomach, my total body fat went from 13.3% to 12.2%.”

Next up: E clients. In the protocol Garcia has developed, participants will follow a red-light lipolysis treatment (which involves wearing a belt of 8 cell-phone-sized LED pads each for 15 minutes). They will then exercise until they’ve burned 350 calories—enough to burn up those excess fatty acids before they get stored as fat again. “No research papers and clinical trials have validated this approach yet, “ admits Garcia, “but we have to start somewhere.”

Until there is, Dr. Mager suggests his approach: “First, I recommend that people de-stress their lives, which reduces the production of stress hormones like cortisol that cause fat to accumulate around your vital organs to protect them,” he says, “Then do strength and posture work,” which serves to properly line-up muscles and joints, often de-emphasizing fat stores.

A safe bet for now, but there’s no harm in a little experimentation.

To see full article go to  Article written by Roy M. Wallack, Photography by Trunk Archive